

Before I made this website, I published some resources/interviews/startup related content on other platforms.

Blockchain, Web3, Crypto 🚀

A library of web3 resources I periodically maintain.

Curvegrid Summer 2021 Intern Spotlight

A spotlight on Curvegrid's Summer 2021 intern cohort.

Opportunities for Tech Students Interested in Startups👩‍💻

Resources for students to get involved with startups and venture capital.

SoGal Waterloo: Founder’s Chat with Aileen | BeBlended

Chat with Aileen Agada, founder of BeBlended, a startup focused on the black hair care industry.

SoGal Waterloo: Founder’s Chat with Stephanie Mills | CodeGem

Chat with Stephanie Mills, founder of CodeGem.

SoGal Waterloo: Startup Stories Panel Recap

Panel with 4 founders - Alessandra Schlums, Aiman Aamir, Anna Wang, and Stephanie Mills.